Monday 25 June 2018

The reason you don't need any job

There are many write ups that discussed about comparison between jobs and self-owned business. But the fact is there is nothing to compare, self-owned business is far better than any job one could get. However, getting a job is easier that starting a business but like they say the harder the way the more chance of becoming successful.

Starting a business requires a lot of things, capital as many believes is not the first requirement for starting a business but dedication, commitment and financial discipline are the most vital traits that anyone starting any business should have. Anyway we will discuss about how a business man should be in our coming articles, let us get back to our topic.

We will discuss here the reasons you should start your business instead of securing a job.

1.     When you are working for somebody, you don’t have the time of your own, your boss owns your time and he schedules it, you cannot do anything or go anywhere without seeking for your boss approval. If you have your business, you can go out anytime you like and come back anytime you wish.

2.       The most painful part of being an employee is you are working tirelessly, putting all your strength, effort and commitment towards making someone rich, the funny thing is while you are busy making money for him he is busy planning how to spend it.

3.       If you have your own business, there is no limit to what you can earn, you can as much as possible without waiting salary from anyone.

4.       If you have your own business, you don’t have to face the risk of dismissal or getting fired, if you have a job, no matter how good it is and how they are paying you, you have no certainty and guarantee over it, you will be always working hard, always in fear of getting fired.  

So as a graduate or anyone who wants to start making money to make a living, you need to think and think again and make a wise choice between the two

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